The causes of osteoarthritis

Most commonly as a disease in the elderly osteoarthritis is the result of such. But given the ecology, nutrition, and lifestyle this disease is significantly rejuvenated and people in here, too, it's not a joke. To warn or to prevent its development, you need to understand to know such a pathology that represents.


What is osteoarthritis

If the remedy for the disease said with a simple expression, then that can only be described a disease of articular cartilage. Destruction and degradation of them that way, functionality and changes. Quite often, the above processes always desired joint inflammation and bag. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint, but most often suffers, hip and knee.

Osteoarthritis causes

Osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis — osteoarthritis of all these other names. The disease as mentioned previously, the most frequently hit part of the elderly population. The reason for this is advanced age, which leads to the failure to the systems of the body. But if a person has more gray hair, and when you say let osteoarthritis that causes this movement may consider the following factors:

  • damage, trauma, Nov-skeletal apparatus. Includes bruises, sprains, torn tendons and other kinds of damage;
  • related to illness, a congenital underdevelopment joint. In other words, called dysplasia joint;
  • wrong metabolism in the body;
  • consumption of large amounts, carbonated beverages bone wash important trace elements;
  • a job wrong, thyroid, human endocrine system high blood sugar and other failures;
  • bleeding joint bag.

Causes osteoarthritis is very broad. Therefore, to begin timely treatment, a good doctor, a struggle, not just the symptoms, but the cause of the disease.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis

symptoms of osteoarthritis

First of all, usually the knee joint is affected. And then one from me then spreads the disease in the hip joint on the big toe, the lower extremity. The effects of osteoarthritis of other joints are rare. Whether it is to understand exactly the situation this pathology, its symptoms which you need to know. Four important symptoms of osteoarthritis, including the number main component:

  • in the first stage of the disease the pain in the joints or intense traffic load. The most common phrase in this osteoarthritis begins. The second phase is characterized by sensations of pain, at low loads, resulting in the damaged joint. In the end, still a pain on even bother. If there is a problem with a person's cardiovascular system, then the change in the weather may occur during the pain syndrome;
  • joint pain occurs from time to time owing to damaged, dry and rough voice. Intersilesia friction between the joint surfaces the result. The second and third stage sounds into this kind of clear sound. It should be noted that a normal crunch with or without joint pain, pain not available to talk about the disease does not affect the emergence of and more of it;
  • Nov emerging spasm decreases, the joint gap visible bone growth. This amplitude is reduced movement of the affected joint;
  • slowly, effects are joint.

Osteoarthritis arthritis symptoms and in many ways similar moments. For this reason, some people confused the two concepts or consider them synonymous. But it would be a mistake to think that. This is a different disease. The main difference is that, day by driving to numb the pain of osteoarthritis. Of arthritis depending on the same angle, non-movement and visible at night. They are sharp and intense.

Arthrosis of a kind

Species diversity is divided into two categories according to disease, depending on the nature and etymology, the course of the disease. Several other types of each concept, and then a specific compartment that contains a large number of a variant.

Etymology and

Reasons such as osteoarthritis joint characteristics of the two groups:

  1. Primary. Occurs mainly owing to patients is 40 years of age. This disease starts to develop before the injury or damage;
  2. The secondary. Osteoarthritis is the result of a number of specific reasons, including age-related changes, corruption of the body, endocrine system, injury, damage, and a number of others.

In nature, the course of the disease

There are only three-stage osteoarthritis. In this case, a person has an experience that can be small and irregular the pain does not prevent him to work correctly. In such a case, the medical treatment for several years. Other people with the same face, it's a progressive disease, and rapid: just a month or two pass a stage osteoarthritis else.

  • in the first stage. Felt little pain in the Joint only occur after heavy load. As a result, the changes in synovial fluid and the joint on the inner side of the shell of the bag.
  • in the second stage. Is destruction of the intra-articular cartilage begins in the primary deformation. Also include bone growth at this stage. All this is accompanied by pain on the affected area even at low loads.
  • in the third stage. The final stage of its articular changes happening already an irreversible process. At the same time is reduced, and the length and difficulty of the tendon Nov contraction. The man loses operability.

Because the effects of running, not to mention a nice thing when you need to start the process of osteoarthritis can be treated.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

You will need to apply to get a treatment program as a result of bringing a proven expert. Working Tests, lifestyle, and prescription to do a proper diagnosis, proper medication and treatment. their number may be included in the following:

  • physical therapy:
  • physical therapy;
  • spa treatment;
  • proper nutrition and the other is a team.

The continuous development of the technology that is used quite often through the joint is not possible and the damaged area of long loads. A small nagging joint pain notified during such a treatment the next day. If the sensation of pain is getting stronger, then you should reconsider used and adapt the system installs it. But development doesn't stop entirely! Osteoarthritis is a disease common in modern society. A disease that every year more people affected. Because of this situation deteriorating environmental conditions, improper diet, injury in a growing number of. But advancing technology and the incentive to solve the problem with a wheelchair. Which is so important not to run disease diagnosis and detection, to produce regular in case of immediate appeal to a doctor that specializes osteoarthritis.

Why arthrosis and arthritis?

A healthy joint is the result of a living cell. Only live cells to regenerate and at the same time have the ability to completely heal. Why arthrosis and arthritis? Most joints, hands, feet, jaw dropping action as a possible factor consistently damage — the impact load. In this context, the disease, properties of the joints, joint, foot, stubborn diseases. Diseases, to eliminate the first reason know, what the disease becomes chronic, and eliminate him.

Arthritis is osteoarthritis different?

If you have arthritis and osteoarthritis, in which the affected joints. Arthritis is osteoarthritis different?

Osteoarthritis, where joints represent progressive deformation age. Most commonly the development of osteoarthritis is happening to Old People (45 years and over). Slow cartilage destruction associated with osteoarthritis is considered a degenerative disease of the joint is the inside.


Of arthritis most often starts at a young age (40-year-Ka). Arthritis, joint inflammation may occur, these are redness, swelling, strong can't go through a person's headache when you find resting. In some cases, notes the increased pain at night. This inflammation that may cause any infection, or incorrect, and incorrect redirects forces against the activities of the immune system of the organism is very active. Sometimes that refers to a generic metabolic arthritis. Only when you have osteoarthritis the joints. Arthritis, inflammatory disease, inflammation of the joints of the body and represents only "the tip of the iceberg" hides any other processes in the organism. Classification primary and secondary osteoarthritis the joints including osteoarthritis. View's primary arthrosis 40-50% in all cases. Joint disease in a previously healthy, and may be a reason for it, for example, heavy physical work. Secondary osteoarthritis joint disease another disease that has occurred under deformation, for example, as a result, back injury.

The reasons for osteoarthritis joint

Why contribute to osteoarthritis joint by the passing of poisoning, infectious diseases (typhoid, syphilis, etc.). Also, why an improvement may be joint joint injury and osteoarthritis (articular cartilage damage, joint ends of the broken bone, excessive strain important functional of a joint (e.g., movers, artists, ballet, etc.). Known the role that belongs to a cold (e.g., workers hot as the formation of osteoarthritis presented). Rheumatic the development of osteoarthritis can occur in the ground soil. Regarding these people, with chronic rheumatism. Sometimes the disease as a whole "set" of time caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatism, varicose veins with thrombosis, vascular sclerosis, stroke, etc, such as may occur in osteoarthritis is an autoimmune disease. This means, that starts the immune system to attack healthy cells a sudden. However, in most cases, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis the level of representation as feature the sounds of disruptive changes occurring in cartilage and bone tissue with age as a natural consequence of aging.

Osteoarthritis joint symptoms

Development of an eating disorder lies in the osteoarthritis joints basic joints (epifizyal) after bone. As a result, changes the lightness or damage provided nutrition through the blood vessels of bone, aseptic necrosis, resulting, laundry aggravated lesions, arthritis. Osteoarthritis there is a progressive character. The first painful internal changes in the scope of (t. n. synovial) joint shell bags, then captured them cartilage of the joint in which the mating surface of the coated bone. As a result, a gradual destruction of the cartilage with a bone spur. Some diluted bone tissue, there are some compressed bone's training capris. In most cases, occurs thanks to the development of osteoarthritis, hip, knee, Tarsus and first-phalangeal joint. These symptoms of the joints pain and osteoarthritis the current view. The periodic appearance typical for them, much later, the sudden rest after physical exertion is a long time. Joint pain and limited mobility to the ground state. The tissue inflammation that accompanies osteoarthritis, surrounded by Laundry, joint, and nerve trunks. Joint functional purpose and as a result suffers the tension of the Nov protective.

Joint arthritis symptoms


Arthritis visible in the joints pain, especially when they felt while driving. Usually limited mobility of the joints, visible swelling, The Shape of alters. In some cases, the skin is red and visible joint on fire. The current appearance of these symptoms, infectious arthritis, redness, swelling, pain when pressed, often there is the presence of the general symptoms of infectious diseases and the emergence of chills, increased body temperature, formation of, pain, whole body. It may be arthritis of a joint (monoartrit) and many joints (polyarthritis). May be sudden onset of the disease, and it out that can accompany severe pain, acute arthritis in the joints), or gradually (chronic arthritis).

Joint osteoarthritis treatment

Should make for osteoarthritis treatment, outpatient activities, the assigned doctor and the nearby sanatorium-resort conditions. Projected assignment in the treatment of osteoarthritis articular, pain relievers, hormonal medications (adrenocorticotropic array) holds physiotherapy (thermal methods, ultrasound), executive, medical Gymnastics, massage. If the case is severe, if the need arises, carrying surgery (arthrodesis, arthroplasty). If glucosaminsulfat containing drugs that can help you greatly worn out cartilage, a natural substance obtained most of their shells of marine animals. A positive effect on metabolism turns them cartilage and improves joint mobility.

Joint arthritis treatment

Depending on the form of arthritis that is assigned to a disease. The basic reasons that is required to be fixed in the first place (excessive physical activity, improper diet, alcohol abuse). During treatment, the antibiotic arthritis doctor is assigned. In addition, for the application envisioned, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs vnutriutrobnoe. Arthritis in the joints during treatment, physical therapy procedures and conduct wedding great importance by the experts, to provide the necessary support for medical Gymnastics, joint mobility and to maintain mass Nov.